Thursday, September 20, 2012

DADT, 1 year later

One year ago today, gay servicemen and women were allowed to serve openly in US armed forces.  President Obama overturned the policy, Don't ask Don't Tell.  

I met this wonderful couple on June 15th, at the BABES around Denver's Candyland party.

We'd been photographing people and talking about the One Million Faces project since the doors opened.  It was after midnight,  I was exhausted, we were striking the set, packing up the gear.

"2 more"  Danette said.  "It's the last $20 of the night, do you want it?" I turned the lights back on.  They thanked me and got started on their model release.  "She's leaving for training in a few days, Officer training."  My heart started to pound, as once again the Military came front and center in my project.   

"What's your name?"  I wrote their first names on the white board.
"We have the same last name." she said 

"What should we write on our sign?" they asked.
"How long are you going to be gone?"
"4 months for officer training"

Officer training..  
Made me think of Richard Gere and Debra Winger's classic movie.

"How about an Officer and a Wife?"

"Perfect!" they said in unison.

Put your arms around each other, Lean in for a kiss

As I took their photos I tried not to cry, I just pushed the button.