Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Front Page News about One Million Faces -

Yesterday was a magnificent day in Longmont - sure it started out snowy, and overcast, my hopes were not as high as normal thinking that the turnout for the shoot might be smaller than expected with the weather. The opposite was true - I photographed 50 people yesterday at the Little Fig Baking Company! Thank you to everyone that came out.

Rachel from The Longmont Times Call did a great job penning this story, and Morgan got some great photos. Pick up a copy of the paper and check it out online. SPREADING THE LOVE

I'm a prolific artist with a passion for people.

Changing the conversation is my goal - the photographs are simply the vehicle. I'm already doing it, and as you can see from the screen shot below, President Obama is already on the same page

Saturday, March 28, 2009

OMF - #312 Ray

Ray's Camera has been a staple in Denver forever!  I remember taking my Minolta Autocord to Ray back in 1992.  My very first 2 1/4 film camera, and Ray got it working, and I shot with that camera until I purchased my Hasselblad in 1995.  Ray's Camera Repair has moved into the Denver Studio Complex at 235 S Cherokee St, Denver CO  80223

You can also find Denver Pro Photo on your way to see Ray.

Take your broken, damaged gear to Ray, he's magic and he can fix it!

OMF - #211, 212, 213, 214 - The Holcomb Family.

Joyful Play = Life

I first met the Holcomb family when Baby Lena was just a week new.

Friday, March 27, 2009

OMF - #236 - Let Us Anoint The Earth With Dance

Thursday, March 26, 2009

OMF - #236 - Magic in the train yards in Boulder.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flat Stanley from Phoenix - It has been a pleasure to have you in Colorado! I hope your adventures continue. I photographed my first "Flat Stanley" on Saturday. I love this school project, it inspires the people who have the honor of having Stanley for a visit to reconnect to places in their community they want to share.  A great message!

Friday, March 13, 2009

I crossed into the 200's last night. Thank you Larson Family and friends!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A New Video

Thanks to Seth and Josh Larson of Something Underground for laying down the sweet new vocal track.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Props to My Lovely Assistant

Meet Ron Propri - my trusty right hand man. Ron has been there since day 1 (which was just over a week ago). Ron has mad skills: climbing skills, carrying my stuff skills, driving us to Avon so I can sleep in the car skills... Ron is funny & fun.

Thank you Ron for all you do. And, thank you Emily for loaning him to me.

Since Ron didn't officially have a number in the order of pictures taken to date he requested to be #100. So with that one milestone down, I decided to open up the door...and we let the dogs in: WOOF!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oh, the Velocity!

I have more trips and events lined up, and the phone won't stop ringing! In less than 1 week, I've heard from people across the world interested in participating.

I believe that if I can inspire people to create and to laugh, that more light will shine. Let's change the world, one face at a time.

I hope you join me. I want YOU to be the among the first to participate in this historic journey!

OMF On The Road

I will be out and about for the cause with the Turtle on a cross country trip very soon:

Driving to Des Moines March 20th…
In Birmingham, AL, the beginning of April…
Landing in Naples, FL, on April 6…
And, back in CO for a few weeks: April 23 - May 12th

Who knows where else I'll wind up along the way... possibly the local news!

The Pegster On Camera!

This past weekend, I was shooting at Mountains Edge, my gym where I have been a spin instructor extraordinaire for the past 4 years. Jason -- the brilliance behind CannonBlogger.com -- came over to hang out and was there shooting me. There was a little interview, a little photo session of me at work, and some video of all the action. It may be up on his blog or podcasts soon! Keep an eye and ear out!

As this project moves at rapid speed, there's more and more interest every day. And, so much to organize all at once...

Rewinding through the whirlwind

Whew! What a weekend was to be had for One Million Faces! So much has snowballed since the first outing at the St. Julian...

Here's where we were:

March 6th - Naropa
Mach 7th - Mountain's Edge
March 8th - Avon Public Library

TONIGHT (!) you can catch us at the Boulder Theater. Come one, come all. Join the cause & get a snappy mugshot :)

See you there!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Day in Avon

This weekend in the land of Avon we went beyond the centennial mark... And, what a blast we had.

I photographed the wedding of Julie and Brice Jackson 5 years ago. I called them while we were in the area and asked them to head over since they live in Vail, CO.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

People are saying the most wonderful things about one million faces

"Let me be the 1st to say Woo-Hoo for Peggy! I can't wait to be one of the one million faces. As a grass-roots effort from home in PA, I'll be sponsoring Peggy when she 'turtles back to The Town'. One Million Faces is a journey of affirmation of the power of kindness and generosity. May God bless and keep you through this adventure!" Beverly

"my heart is racing my head is spinning. i jut can't get over your brilliance and your infectious spirit. i have one million ideas. i can hardly decide where to start. i am in. i am so in. " Gabrielle

"Looking at a ME that I WANT TO SEE, It is so fun to see me so graceful, I want MORE!" Rachel

"Chris sent me the link of the one million faces project. Having personal stories of healing with this topic I am quite interested in the possibilities. If I can be a voice, or assist please connect with me." With Love, Lorena

"Your million faces looks so cool. You are constantly amazing." love Vicki

""Hey, Peggy! How's it going? What's this One Million Faces thing? Are you taking one million photos? I'll volunteer if you need faces! :)" Christina

"I think this is genius!" Scott

"That’s awesome, thanks for filling me in! You are a creative genius :) You can shoot my face any time (well, anytime I’m not too sweaty and think I look OK!) and then I’ll really be 1 in a million!!" XO Shannon

"Wow, magic! :)" Amy

"Take my picture :)" Tony

"yes i can! i LOVE those pictures!!" Janice

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One Million Faces Project -

I was driving down into Boulder on Thursday night, Bon Jovi, "Wanted Dead or Alive" was playing on the radio. My heart skipped a beat when I heard him sing 

"I've seen a million faces, and I rocked them all!"
Inspiration struck,
my heart skipped a beat,
I got an idea.

I wondered if I'd photographed a million faces over the course of my career?

Away from questions, my mind raced for action

I bet I can photograph a million faces in 2009

I bet that I can raise millions of dollars for local charities across the country

Step 1 - Get domain
Step 2 - Print Model Releases
Step 3 - Make a cause on Facebook
Step 4 - Grab camera and start shooting

I created the One Million Faces Project to paint a portrait of America.

I want to inspire a sense of connection, and community, and spread hope, love and peace all along the way.

In less than 1 week, I've heard from people across the world interested in participating.

I believe that if I can inspire people to create, to laugh that more light will shine.

Let's change the world, one face at a time.

The first 28 of one million faces -

Music - "People"
courtesy of Something Underground

recorded LIVE Feb 6, 2009 at Nissi's